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The Metaphysical Properties of Gemstones: A Comprehensive Guide

Gemstones have been cherished not only for their beauty but also for their metaphysical properties for centuries. Believers in crystal healing and energy work attribute various powers to different stones, ranging from physical healing and protection to emotional balance and spiritual growth. This guide will explore how these metaphysical powers work, how to cleanse and store gemstones, how to select the right ones for your needs, and provide detailed information on a wide array of gemstones.

How Metaphysical Powers Work

Energy and Vibrations

The foundation of metaphysical properties in gemstones lies in the concept that everything in the universe, including our bodies and thoughts, emits energy and vibrations. Gemstones are believed to have unique energy frequencies that interact with our own, influencing our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These energies are thought to be amplified by the crystal structures of the gemstones.

Chakras and Energy Centers

In many metaphysical traditions, the human body has energy centers known as chakras. There are seven main chakras, each associated with specific physical and emotional functions. Gemstones are believed to resonate with these chakras, helping to balance and align them, promoting overall harmony and health.

Intention and Mindfulness

The power of gemstones is also linked to the intentions and mindfulness of the person using them. By focusing your thoughts and intentions while working with gemstones, you can channel their energies more effectively. This practice is similar to the concept of positive thinking and the law of attraction, where focusing on positive outcomes is believed to manifest them in your life.

How to Cleanse and Store Gemstones

Cleansing Gemstones

Cleansing gemstones is essential to maintaining their energetic properties. Over time, gemstones can absorb negative energies from their surroundings, which can affect their effectiveness. Here are several methods to cleanse your gemstones:

  1. Water: Rinse your gemstones under running water for a few minutes. Ensure that the stones are water-safe (e.g., avoid water for soft or porous stones like selenite and malachite).
  2. Salt: Place your gemstones in a bowl of sea salt or Himalayan salt for several hours or overnight. Be cautious with softer stones, as salt can be abrasive.
  3. Smudging: Use sage, palo santo, or incense to smudge your gemstones. Pass the stones through the smoke for a few minutes.
  4. Moonlight: Place your gemstones outside or on a windowsill under the moonlight, preferably during a full moon, to recharge their energies.
  5. Sound: Use a singing bowl, tuning forks, or even a bell to cleanse your gemstones with sound vibrations.

Storing Gemstones

Proper storage is important to protect your gemstones from physical damage and maintain their energetic properties. Here are some tips for storing your gemstones:

  1. Separate Compartments: Store each gemstone in a separate compartment or pouch to prevent scratching and chipping.
  2. Soft Linings: Use soft materials like velvet or silk to line your storage boxes or pouches.
  3. Avoid Sunlight: Keep your gemstones out of direct sunlight to prevent fading and discoloration.
  4. Energy Cleansing: Place a piece of selenite or clear quartz in your storage area to help keep your gemstones cleansed and charged.

How to Select Gemstones

Choosing the right gemstone can be a personal and intuitive process. Here are some tips to help you select the gemstones that are right for you:

  1. Intuition: Trust your intuition and go with the stones that you feel drawn to. Your inner self often knows what you need most.
  2. Intention: Consider your specific intentions and what you hope to achieve. Different stones are known for various properties, so choose ones that align with your goals.
  3. Research: Learn about the properties of different gemstones to make an informed decision. Knowledge about the stones’ meanings and uses can guide you in your selection.
  4. Physical Attraction: Sometimes, the visual appeal of a gemstone can be a deciding factor. If you find a stone beautiful, it’s likely to bring you joy and positive energy.

Detailed FAQ

Q: How often should I cleanse my gemstones?

A: It’s generally recommended to cleanse your gemstones after each use or at least once a month to keep their energies clear and potent.

Q: Can I wear multiple gemstones at the same time?

A: Yes, you can wear multiple gemstones together. However, it’s a good idea to research their properties to ensure they complement each other.

Q: How do I know if a gemstone is authentic?

A: Purchase gemstones from reputable gemstone dealers, like Beads N Crystals. We scour the globe to source a wide array of genuine gemstone beads. Some gemstones can be immitated or enhanced. We always do our best to ensure products that have been altered are labelled as such.

Q: Can gemstones lose their metaphysical properties?

A: Gemstones do not lose their inherent properties, but they can become energetically depleted or clogged. Regular cleansing and recharging can help maintain their effectiveness.

Q: Is it okay to gift gemstones to others?

A: Yes, gifting gemstones can be a thoughtful and meaningful gesture. Just ensure the recipient is comfortable with and open to the metaphysical properties of the stones.

Individual Properties of Gemstones

Each gemstone carries its unique vibrational frequency and metaphysical properties, offering a range of benefits from emotional healing to spiritual growth. In this section, we’ll deep-dive into the individual properties of a diverse selection of gemstones. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your energy, find balance, or simply appreciate the beauty of these natural wonders, you’ll discover the unique qualities and uses of each stone to guide you on your journey. Explore the profound energies of these gemstones and find the ones that resonate with your needs and intentions.


  • Properties: Stability, grounding, and balance. Agate is known for its ability to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Agate can be used to calm and stabilize the environment, enhance mental function, and improve concentration.


  • Properties: Communication, truth, and harmony. Amazonite is a soothing stone that promotes balance and peace.
  • Chakra: Heart and Throat Chakras
  • Uses: Use amazonite to enhance communication, reduce stress, and align the physical and astral bodies.
Amber beads


  • Properties: Cleansing, healing, and energizing. Amber is known for its ability to cleanse the body and mind of negative energy.
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras
  • Uses: Amber is used to balance emotions, attract good luck, and protect against negative influences.
Amethyst Crystals

Amethyst & Ametrine

  • Properties: Protection, purification, and spiritual awareness. Amethyst is a powerful stone for spiritual growth and protection. Ametrine combines amethyst and citrine properties.
  • Chakra: Third Eye and Crown Chakras
  • Uses: Use amethyst for meditation, enhancing intuition, and promoting restful sleep. Ametrine can balance mental clarity and spiritual insight.


  • Properties: Peace, compassion, and communication with higher realms. Angelite is a stone of serenity and connection to angelic energies.
  • Chakra: Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras
  • Uses: Use angelite to promote compassion, improve communication, and connect with your higher self or guardian angels.
Apatite Beads


  • Properties: Motivation, clarity, and personal growth. Apatite is known for its ability to stimulate thoughts and ideas.
  • Chakra: Throat Chakra
  • Uses: Use apatite to enhance creativity, clear confusion, and facilitate public speaking and communication.
Shop Aquamarine Beads


  • Properties: Calmness, courage, and clarity. Aquamarine is a soothing stone that encourages inner peace and clear communication.
  • Chakra: Throat Chakra
  • Uses: Use aquamarine to reduce stress, enhance communication, and protect during travel.
Aragonite Beads


  • Properties: Grounding, focus, and emotional stability. Aragonite is known for its ability to center and stabilize emotions.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use aragonite to enhance patience, improve concentration, and stabilize spiritual development.


  • Properties: Prosperity, confidence, and vitality. Aventurine is known as the stone of opportunity, attracting luck and success.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use aventurine to promote optimism, boost confidence, and attract wealth and prosperity.
Azurite Chrysocolla

Azurite & Chrysocolla

  • Properties: Insight, intuition, and communication. Azurite is known for its deep blue color and ability to enhance intuition. Chrysocolla adds calming and empowering properties.
  • Chakra: Third Eye and Throat Chakras
  • Uses: Use azurite to enhance psychic abilities and deepen meditation. Chrysocolla can aid in clear communication and emotional healing.


  • Properties: Courage, vitality, and purification. Bloodstone is known for its grounding and protective energies.
  • Chakra: Root and Heart Chakras
  • Uses: Use bloodstone to enhance physical endurance, detoxify the body, and promote emotional resilience.
Blue Lace Agate Beads

Blue Lace Agate

  • Properties: Communication, peace, and calming. Blue lace agate is a soothing stone that encourages peaceful communication.
  • Chakra: Throat Chakra
  • Uses: Use blue lace agate to reduce stress, enhance verbal expression, and promote calmness.

Boulder Opal

  • Properties: Creativity, emotional stability, and transformation. Boulder opal is known for its vibrant colors and ability to spark creativity.
  • Chakra: Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Uses: Use boulder opal to enhance artistic inspiration, stabilize emotions, and promote personal transformation.


  • Properties: Protection, grounding, and self-confidence. Bronzite is a stone of focused action and protection against negative energies.
  • Chakra: Root and Sacral Chakras
  • Uses: Use bronzite to boost confidence, provide protection, and promote clear decision-making.

Bull’s Eye

  • Properties: Grounding, courage, and protection. Bull’s eye, also known as tiger’s eye or ox eye, enhances focus and mental clarity.
  • Chakra: Root and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Uses: Use bull’s eye to promote grounding, enhance focus, and provide protection against negative influences.
Calcite Beads and Crystals


  • Properties: Amplification, clarity, and emotional balance. Calcite is known for its ability to enhance spiritual growth and healing.
  • Chakra: Varies by color
  • Uses: Use calcite to amplify energy, clear emotional blockages, and promote overall well-being.
Shop Carnelian Gemstone Beads


  • Properties: Vitality, creativity, and courage. Carnelian is a powerful stone for motivation and endurance.
  • Chakra: Sacral Chakra
  • Uses: Use carnelian to boost energy, enhance creativity, and promote courage and confidence.


  • Properties: Joy, optimism, and emotional healing. Chrysoprase is known for its uplifting and rejuvenating energies.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use chrysoprase to attract joy, promote emotional healing, and enhance compassion.


  • Properties: Abundance, confidence, and energy. Citrine is known as the merchant’s stone, attracting wealth and prosperity.
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Uses: Use citrine to attract abundance, boost confidence, and increase energy levels.


  • Properties: Protection, healing, and transformation. Coral is believed to protect against negative energies and promote healing.
  • Chakra: Root and Sacral Chakras
  • Uses: Use coral to promote emotional healing, enhance intuition, and protect against negative influences.


  • Properties: Luminescence, transformation, and insight. Emberlite is known for its unique luminescence under UV light and its transformative properties.
  • Chakra: Varies by color
  • Uses: Use emberlite to enhance creativity, promote transformation, and gain insight.
Fluorite Gems and Beads


  • Properties: Clarity, protection, and spiritual growth. Fluorite is a powerful stone for mental clarity and spiritual development.
  • Chakra: Varies by color
  • Uses: Use fluorite to enhance mental clarity, protect against negative energies, and promote spiritual growth.
Garnet Beads


  • Properties: Passion, energy, and protection. Garnet is a powerful stone for grounding and revitalizing.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use garnet to boost energy, enhance passion, and provide protection.


  • Properties: Ambition, confidence, and vitality. Goldstone is known for its sparkly appearance and motivating energies.
  • Chakra: Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Uses: Use goldstone to boost ambition, increase confidence, and promote vitality.
Hematite Beads


  • Properties: Grounding, protection, and focus. Hematite is a powerful stone for grounding and protecting against negative energies.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use hematite to enhance focus, provide protection, and promote grounding.
Natural Howlite

Howlite (natural) and Coloured Howlite

  • Properties: Calming, patience, and stress relief. Howlite is a soothing stone that promotes calm and patience.
  • Chakra: Crown Chakra
  • Uses: Use howlite to reduce stress, enhance patience, and promote a sense of calm.


  • Properties: Intuition, grounding, and protection. Hypersthene is known for its ability to enhance intuition and provide grounding and protection.
  • Chakra: Root and Third Eye Chakras
  • Uses: Use hypersthene to enhance intuition, provide protection, and promote grounding.


  • Properties: Vision, intuition, and spiritual growth. Iolite is a powerful stone for enhancing vision and intuition.
  • Chakra: Third Eye Chakra
  • Uses: Use iolite to enhance vision, promote intuition, and support spiritual growth.
Jade Beads

Jade, New Jade, and Jadeite

  • Properties: Harmony, prosperity, and protection. Jade is known for its harmonizing and protective properties.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use jade to attract prosperity, promote harmony, and provide protection.
Jasper Beads

Jasper (including Dalmatian Jasper, Kambaba Jasper, Rainforest Jasper, Ocean Jasper)

  • Properties: Grounding, stability, and protection. Jasper is known for its grounding and stabilizing properties.
  • Chakra: Varies by type
  • Uses: Use jasper to promote grounding, provide protection, and enhance stability.
Jet Beads


  • Properties: Protection, grounding, and purification. Jet is a powerful stone for protection and grounding.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use jet to provide protection, promote grounding, and purify the energy field.
Labradorite Beads


  • Properties: Transformation, intuition, and protection. Labradorite is a powerful stone for transformation and enhancing intuition.
  • Chakra: Third Eye and Crown Chakras
  • Uses: Use labradorite to enhance intuition, provide protection, and promote transformation.

Lapis Lazuli

  • Properties: Wisdom, truth, and communication. Lapis lazuli is known for its ability to enhance wisdom and truth.
  • Chakra: Third Eye and Throat Chakras
  • Uses: Use lapis lazuli to promote communication, enhance wisdom, and seek truth.
Larimar Beads


  • Properties: Tranquility, communication, and emotional healing. Larimar is a soothing stone that promotes tranquility and communication.
  • Chakra: Throat Chakra
  • Uses: Use larimar to enhance communication, promote tranquility, and support emotional healing.
Lava Beads


  • Properties: Grounding, strength, and courage. Lava stone is known for its grounding and strengthening properties.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use lava stone to promote grounding, enhance strength, and provide courage.
Lodolite Beads


  • Properties: Healing, manifestation, and spiritual growth. Lodolite is a powerful stone for healing and manifestation.
  • Chakra: Crown Chakra
  • Uses: Use lodolite to enhance healing, promote manifestation, and support spiritual growth.
Malachite Beads


  • Properties: Transformation, protection, and healing. Malachite is known for its powerful transformation and protective properties.
  • Chakra: Heart and Throat Chakras
  • Uses: Use malachite to promote transformation, provide protection, and support healing.


  • Properties: Clarity, insight, and protection. Mica is known for its ability to enhance clarity and insight.
  • Chakra: Varies by type
  • Uses: Use mica to promote clarity, enhance insight, and provide protection.
Mookaite Gemstones


  • Properties: Strength, vitality, and grounding. Mookaite is a powerful stone for enhancing strength and vitality.
  • Chakra: Root and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Uses: Use mookaite to promote strength, enhance vitality, and provide grounding.


  • Properties: Intuition, emotional balance, and new beginnings. Moonstone is a powerful stone for enhancing intuition and emotional balance.
  • Chakra: Crown and Third Eye Chakras
  • Uses: Use moonstone to promote intuition, enhance emotional balance, and support new beginnings.


  • Properties: Love, compassion, and emotional healing. Morganite is a powerful stone for promoting love and compassion.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use morganite to enhance love, promote compassion, and support emotional healing.


  • Properties: Protection, grounding, and truth. Obsidian is a powerful stone for protection and grounding.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use obsidian to provide protection, promote grounding, and reveal truth.


  • Properties: Strength, protection, and grounding. Onyx is a powerful stone for strength and protection.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use onyx to enhance strength, provide protection, and promote grounding.


  • Properties: Calming, purifying, and emotional balance. Opalite is a soothing stone that promotes calm and emotional balance.
  • Chakra: Crown Chakra
  • Uses: Use opalite to promote calm, enhance emotional balance, and support purification.
Peridot Beads


  • Properties: Abundance, healing, and protection. Peridot is a powerful stone for attracting abundance and promoting healing.
  • Chakra: Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Uses: Use peridot to attract abundance, promote healing, and provide protection.


  • Properties: Healing, protection, and spiritual growth. Prehnite is a powerful stone for healing and protection.
  • Chakra: Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Uses: Use prehnite to promote healing, provide protection, and support spiritual growth.
Pyrite Gemstones


  • Properties: Abundance, protection, and vitality. Pyrite is known for its ability to attract wealth and provide protection.
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Uses: Use pyrite to attract abundance, enhance vitality, and provide protection.
Cherry Quartz

Cherry Quartz

  • Properties: Vitality, energy, and emotional balance. Cherry quartz is a powerful stone for boosting energy and emotional balance.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use cherry quartz to promote vitality, enhance energy, and support emotional balance.
Clear Quartz Beads

Clear Quartz

  • Properties: Amplification, clarity, and healing. Clear quartz is a powerful stone for amplifying energy and promoting clarity.
  • Chakra: Crown Chakra
  • Uses: Use clear quartz to amplify energy, promote clarity, and support healing.
Lemon Quartz Beads

Lemon Quartz

  • Properties: Clarity, confidence, and abundance. Lemon quartz is a powerful stone for enhancing clarity and attracting abundance.
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Uses: Use lemon quartz to enhance clarity, boost confidence, and attract abundance.

Rhodonite & Rhodochrosite

  • Properties: Love, compassion, and emotional healing. Rhodonite is a powerful stone for promoting love and compassion.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use rhodonite and rhodacrosite to enhance love, promote compassion, and support emotional healing.
Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

  • Properties: Love, compassion, and emotional healing. Rose quartz is a powerful stone for promoting love and compassion.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use rose quartz to enhance love, promote compassion, and support emotional healing.
Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz

  • Properties: Amplification, clarity, and manifestation. Rutilated quartz is a powerful stone for amplifying energy and promoting clarity.
  • Chakra: Crown Chakra
  • Uses: Use rutilated quartz to amplify energy, promote clarity, and support manifestation.


  • Properties: Cleansing, clarity, and protection. Selenite is a powerful stone for cleansing and promoting clarity.
  • Chakra: Crown Chakra
  • Uses: Use selenite to promote clarity, provide protection, and support spiritual growth.


  • Properties: Healing, transformation, and protection. Serpentine is a powerful stone for healing and transformation.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use serpentine to promote healing, support transformation, and provide protection.


  • Properties: Protection, grounding, and healing. Shungite is a powerful stone for protection and grounding.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use shungite to provide protection, promote grounding, and support healing.

Super Seven

  • Properties: Healing, spiritual growth, and transformation. Super seven is a powerful stone for healing and spiritual growth.
  • Chakra: All Chakras
  • Uses: Use super seven to promote healing, support spiritual growth, and enhance transformation.
Smoky Quartz Beads

Smoky Quartz

  • Properties: Grounding, protection, and transformation. Smoky quartz is a powerful stone for grounding and protection.
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Uses: Use smoky quartz to promote grounding, provide protection, and support transformation.
Shop Sodalite Beads and Gems


  • Properties: Clarity, truth, and intuition. Sodalite is a powerful stone for enhancing clarity and truth.
  • Chakra: Throat and Third Eye Chakras
  • Uses: Use sodalite to promote clarity, enhance truth, and support intuition.


  • Properties: Vitality, protection, and energy. Spinel is a powerful stone for boosting vitality and protection.
  • Chakra: Root and Sacral Chakras
  • Uses: Use spinel to enhance vitality, provide protection, and support energy.
Sunstone beads and gems at Beads N Crystals


  • Properties: Joy, vitality, and abundance. Sunstone is a powerful stone for promoting joy and abundance.
  • Chakra: Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Uses: Use sunstone to enhance joy, boost vitality, and attract abundance.
Tiger Eye Beads and Gemstones

Tiger Eye

  • Properties: Protection, grounding, and confidence. Tiger eye is a powerful stone for protection and grounding.
  • Chakra: Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Uses: Use tiger eye to provide protection, promote grounding, and enhance confidence.

Tiger Iron

  • Properties: Strength, protection, and vitality. Tiger iron is a powerful stone for strength and protection.
  • Chakra: Root and Sacral Chakras
  • Uses: Use tiger iron to enhance strength, provide protection, and boost vitality.
Tourmalinated Quartz Beads

Tourmalinated Quartz

  • Properties: Protection, grounding, and clarity. Tourmalinated quartz is a powerful stone for protection and grounding.
  • Chakra: Root and Crown Chakras
  • Uses: Use tourmalinated quartz to provide protection, promote grounding, and support clarity.


  • Properties: Protection, healing, and grounding. Tourmaline is a powerful stone for protection and healing.
  • Chakra: Varies by color
  • Uses: Use tourmaline to provide protection, promote healing, and support grounding.
Turquoise Beads


  • Properties: Protection, healing, and communication. Turquoise is a powerful stone for protection and healing.
  • Chakra: Throat and Heart Chakras
  • Uses: Use turquoise to provide protection, promote healing, and enhance communication.
Unakite Beads and Gemstones


  • Properties: Healing, balance, and emotional growth. Unakite is a powerful stone for healing and balance.
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Uses: Use unakite to promote healing, support balance, and enhance emotional growth.

This comprehensive guide to the metaphysical properties of gemstones provides a valuable resource for anyone interested in the world of crystals and their unique energies. Whether you’re a seasoned crystal enthusiast or just beginning your journey, this guide offers insights and inspiration to help you harness the power of these remarkable stones.

In Conclusion

Understanding the unique properties of each gemstone can greatly enhance your journey into the world of crystal healing and jewellery making. Whether you’re drawn to the grounding energies of hematite, the calming influence of amethyst, or the protective qualities of turquoise, there’s a gemstone to suit every need and intention.

We invite you to visit us at Beads N Crystals, where you’ll find a comprehensive range of high-quality gemstones and gemstone beads. Our collection is perfect for crafting your own unique jewelry and decorations, allowing you to harness the power and beauty of these incredible stones. Explore our selection today and let your creativity and intuition guide you in creating pieces that are as meaningful as they are beautiful.

The Beads N Crystals Team

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VIP Specials – July 2024

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals

Gold VIP – Exclusive Club for Serious Beaders

VIP Membership 2024

Welcome to our July VIP OFFERS FOR 2024

Greetings, amazing VIP beaders!

This July, we’re rolling out our most popular deal yet, just for you! Enjoy an incredible 40% off on all gemstone beads, plus all rough and tumbled gemstones. Yes, that even includes our premium and rare gemstone beads wall!

But that’s not all – as a special thank you for being a loyal VIP member, you’ll receive a FREE gift this month: a Seed Beads Size 12 Assortment pack of 100g in 10 Pearl Colours. And it all comes neatly packed in a handy, reusable plastic storage box. Last year’s members received the larger size 8’s, so these smaller beads will make a great addition to your stash.

Don’t miss out on this dazzling offer. Stock up on your favourite semi-precious beads and gems while enjoying unbeatable savings.

Happy Beading!
The Beads N Crystals Team

VIP Members get a FREE pack of Size 12 Seed Beads valued at $14 this month!

Size 12 Seed Beads Assortment 100g Pack
10 Pearl Colours in Reusable Plastic Storage Box

This month, we’re excited to offer you a complimentary Seed Beads Size 12 Assortment pack of 100g in 10 Pearl Colours with any purchase exceeding $10—a delightful addition to your collection that promises to spark endless creative possibilities!

These vibrant Seed Beads, meticulously crafted in 10 lustrous pearlescent colours, are perfect for adding intricate details and a touch of elegance to your designs. Imagine weaving them into delicate bead embroidery, where each tiny bead shines like a pearl in a sea of creativity, bringing your patterns to life with a luxurious finish. Or perhaps you’ll incorporate them into your loom work, creating intricate, colourful designs that reflect your artistic vision and skill.

Packed in a handy reusable plastic storage box, these Seed Beads are not only a treat for your creative soul but also a practical addition to your crafting supplies. With such a versatile and beautiful assortment at your fingertips, the possibilities are truly endless.

So, why wait? Dive into our extensive collection of beads and gems, find the perfect companions for your new Seed Beads, and let your imagination soar. Transform your creative visions into reality, one bead at a time, and let the brilliance of these pearlescent colours illuminate your artistic journey like never before!

July VIP Discount

40% OFF Gemstone Beads + Rough & Tumbled Gems

40% OFF Gemstone Beads + Rough & Tumbled Gems

Attention all artisans and craft enthusiasts! Get ready to boost your creations with an extraordinary opportunity that will ignite your creative passions. This month, indulge in the ultimate crafting spree with our unbeatable VIP deal – 40% off all gemstone and semi-precious beads, plus rough and tumbled gems—an offer too dazzling to resist!

Imagine having a treasure trove of exquisite gemstones right at your fingertips, ready to inspire your next masterpiece. With our premium and rare gemstone beads, you can craft with confidence, knowing each piece will add a touch of elegance and uniqueness to your designs. Dive into the world of rough and tumbled gems, where the natural beauty of each stone tells a story, waiting to be woven into your jewellery, decor, and artistic creations.

From the ethereal hues of amethyst to the vibrant sparkle of garnet, our collection offers endless possibilities for your imagination to explore. Whether you’re creating intricate beaded jewellery, stunning statement pieces, or simply adding a touch of gemstone magic to your projects, this deal ensures you have the finest materials at hand.

With everything from Agate to Unakite, we have just what you need to create stunning pieces of art. Our latest shipment of gemstone beads has just arrived, offering an even wider selection to inspire your creativity. Be sure to check our website over the next week as we continue to add these new arrivals, providing you with even more options to enhance your designs. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to expand your collection with these beautiful new additions!

So, why wait? Dive into our vast selection of gemstone beads and gems, stock up on your favourites, and let your creativity shine like never before. With 40% off, the possibilities are endless—and your creations, truly spectacular. Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to elevate your craft and turn your artistic dreams into reality!

Quick Links to the sale items:

Note this sale excludes all other gemstone products. All contents of the above three categories are included.

Wondering Where to Start?

Check out our new comprehensive guide to gemstones and their properties. It lists a huge range of semi-precious gemstone beads from Agate to Unakite and everything in between. Cleansing, storage and selection are also covered. Find a gemstone you’re drawn to, whether by appearance, colour, chakra, or healing properties and click through to shop our collection.

How To Order Online with 40% OFF

VIP Members, please place your order and select “Direct Bank Deposit” as the payment option at checkout. We’ll apply your discounts, add your free gifts and advise the new discounted total. Please don’t pay until we’ve confirmed the discounted total.

Exclusive Monthly Specials – July

Each month we release some exclusive specials just for VIP members.

All Rexlace – 30% Off

Rexlace is a versatile plastic lacing material often used in crafts and DIY projects, ideal for making keychains, bracelets, and other decorative items. Available in a variety of vibrant colours, it is popular among both children and adults for its flexibility and ease of use in creating unique, fun designs.

VIP’s: Check out and choose Direct Deposit. We’ll discount these products and reply with the adjusted invoice.

All Single Spools and Mixed Packs
30% Off This Month for VIP’s

Swivel Keychain Clasp 12x33mm Antique Silver

The swivel keychain clasp, measuring 12x33mm in antique silver, is a stylish and functional accessory perfect for attaching keys, charms, and other items securely. Its swivel mechanism allows for easy rotation and accessibility, adding both convenience and a touch of vintage elegance to your creations.

Normally $1.60
VIP Price 80c each

Swivel Keychain Clasp 12x33mm Gold Plated

The swivel keychain clasp, measuring 12x33mm in gold-plated finish, offers a luxurious and durable option for securing keys, charms, and other accessories. Its swivel mechanism ensures easy rotation and accessibility, while the gold plating adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to your projects.

Normally $1.60
VIP Price 80c each

Swarovski 6106 16mm Almond Pendant Ruby
Pack of 4 Pieces

The Swarovski 6106 16mm Almond Pendant in Ruby boasts a vibrant, deep red hue that adds a touch of elegance to any jewellery design. Each pack contains four exquisitely cut crystals, perfect for creating stunning, high-quality pieces that sparkle with sophistication.

Normally $14.90
VIP Price Just $7 (4pc Pack)

How do the free gifts work?

Every month we’ll have a free gift available for VIP members. The gift can be collected or sent with any order of $10 or more of any products, discounted or not! So, if you selected $18 worth of tumbled stones in July for example, the 40% off would bring them down to just $10.80, and that purchase would qualify for the free gift!

Each VIP member can collect one gift each month. The percent off can be used as many times as you like in the calendar month. No limits!

How do the discounts work for Online orders?

Simply add the items you want to cart, check out using the “Direct Bank Deposit” option to send the order unpaid. Be sure to either log-in or enter the email address we have on file at checkout, so we know you’re a VIP. Once we receive and pick your order, we’ll throw in the free gift and reply back with the adjusted invoice with all the discounts applied. You can then pay any way you like, PayPal, ZipPay, credit card or bank transfer.

Not a VIP? Join Now to Start Saving Big Time!

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals
Join VIP 2024 for over $240 in free gifts and 12 HUGE Discounts!

Become a Bead Lover GOLD VIP Member today to start saving and being rewarded! For the small investment of just $29, you’ll be entitled to receive a free gift of beads every month of 2024. You’ll also save big time with our huge monthly VIP special discount. These discounts are unlimited so you can order as little or as much as you want, as many times as you like in the calendar month.

Join VIP 2024

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VIP Specials – June 2024

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals

Gold VIP – Exclusive Club for Serious Beaders

VIP Membership 2024

Welcome to our June VIP OFFERS FOR 2024

Greetings, amazing VIP beaders!

June has arrived, bringing with it exclusive perks just for you, our extraordinary VIP members!

Prepare to stock up on essentials and explore exciting new horizons with our sensational discount of 30% off adhesives, resins, polymer clay, and Unicorn SPiT. We’re excited to introduce an exciting new range of products from CosClay and also four new 4-packs of Unicorn SPiT.

Whether you’re sticking, painting, resining, casting, or sculpting, we’ve got you covered with top-quality materials to bring your artistic visions to life. And that’s not all—immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Unicorn SPiT, the vibrant, versatile gel stain that adds a touch of magic to your projects.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to fuel your creative fire and unlock endless possibilities. Embrace the joy of crafting and let your imagination soar with our irresistible June offers!

Happy Creating,

The Beads N Crystals Team

VIP Offers for June 2024
VIP Members get a FREE Strand of Labradorite valued at $14 this month!

6.5mm Labradorite Beads

This month, we’re thrilled to offer you a complimentary strand of mesmerising Labradorite 6.5mm beads with any purchase exceeding $10—a sparkling addition to your collection waiting to inspire your next masterpiece!

Labradorite, with its iridescent sheen and mystical allure, is a gemstone that beckons exploration and creativity. These beads are more than just exquisite adornments; they’re gateways to a world of artistic possibilities. Picture weaving them into intricate macramé designs, where their ethereal glow catches the light with every twist and knot, infusing your creations with an otherworldly charm. Or perhaps you’ll string them alongside other gems and crystals, creating a symphony of colours and energies that resonate with your soul’s deepest desires.

With Labradorite as your muse, the only limit is your imagination. So, why wait? Dive into our treasure trove of beads, find the perfect companions for your Labradorite strands, and let your creativity run wild. Transform your visions into reality, one bead at a time, and let the magic of Labradorite illuminate your crafting journey like never before!

June VIP Discount

30% OFF Adhesives, Resins, Clays and Unicorn SPiT

30% OFF Adhesives, Resins, Clays and Unicorn SPiT

Attention all artisans and craft connoisseurs! Brace yourselves for an extraordinary opportunity to fuel your creative passions like never before. This month, indulge in the ultimate crafting spree with our unbeatable VIP deal – 30% off adhesives, resins, clays, and the enchanting Unicorn SPiT – an offer too fantastic to resist!

Imagine having everything you need to bring your wildest artistic visions to life right at your fingertips. With a diverse selection of top-quality adhesives, you can seamlessly piece together your projects with confidence and precision, ensuring they stand the test of time. Dive into the world of resins and unlock endless possibilities for casting, coating, and crafting stunning jewellery, decor, and more. And with our newly expanded range of CosClay polymer clays, explore a universe of sculpting possibilities, from intricate figurines to lifelike creations that capture the imagination.

But that’s not all—prepare to be mesmerised by the wonders of Unicorn SPiT, the vibrant gel stain that adds a touch of magic to every stroke. Whether you’re staining wood, painting furniture, or embellishing artworks, Unicorn SPiT promises to ignite your creativity and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into our treasure trove of crafting essentials, stock up on your favourites, and let your imagination soar to new heights. With 30% off adhesives, resins, clays, and Unicorn SPiT, the possibilities are endless—and the creations, truly spectacular. Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to elevate your craft and make your artistic dreams a reality!

Quick Links to the sale items:

Note this sale excludes all other products including pigments, tools, cutters and accessories.

How To Order Online with 30% OFF

VIP Members, please place your order and select “Direct Bank Deposit” as the payment option at checkout. We’ll apply your discounts, add your free gifts and advise the new discounted total. Please don’t pay until we’ve confirmed the discounted total.

Exclusive Monthly Specials – June

Each month we release some exclusive specials just for VIP members.

Tool Storage Case with Velcro Wrap

A handy storage case to keep all your pliers, tools & supplies in check. Six velcro straps hold crimpers, cutters and pliers neatly & securely where you can easily find them. Three elasticised pockets can hold other small tools and supplies. Choose from Pink & Purple, or Blue & Green.

Normally $12
VIP Price Just $8

Metal Bead Flat Round 10x3mm Antique Silver

Flat round 10x3mm metal beads in Antique Silver featuring a unique New Age Symbol design. Sold individually, this bead adds a touch of mystical elegance to any jewellery piece. Perfect for bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, its antique silver finish brings a timeless charm to your creations.

Normally $0.80
VIP Price 10 for $4

Toggle Clasp Filigree Oval Antique Silver

These toggle clasps in unique filigree oval add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your jewellery designs. Its intricate pattern and timeless antique silver finish make it perfect for completing bracelets and necklaces with a refined look.

Normally $2.20 each
VIP Price $1

Bezel Setting 18x25mm Oval Green-Patina Daisy

Introducing this stunning Bezel Setting, sized at 18x25mm, in a stunning oval shape. Featuring an antique brass finish with a green patina and a charming daisy pattern, this bezel setting is perfect for creating unique pendants, brooches, and statement pieces. Its elegant design and vintage appeal make it ideal for showcasing cabochons, cameos, or custom resin creations, adding a touch of timeless beauty to your jewellery projects.

Normally $2.80
VIP Price $1

Bezel Setting 18x25mm Oval Green-Patina Daisy

Another stunning antiqued Bezel Setting, sized at 18x25mm, in an elegant oval shape. Featuring an antique brass finish with a green patina, this bezel setting is perfect for creating unique pendants, brooches, and statement pieces. Its vintage appeal makes it ideal for showcasing cabochons, cameos, or custom resin creations, adding a touch of timeless beauty to your jewellery projects. Glue a cab using E6000, or decorate a glass time with papers or Unicorn SPiT, or fill the setting with an artistic creation in polymer clay.

Normally $2.80
VIP Price $1

How do the free gifts work?

Every month we’ll have a free gift available for VIP members. The gift can be collected or sent with any order of $10 or more of any products, discounted or not! So, if you selected $18 worth of findings in March, the 40% off would bring them down to just $10.80, and that purchase would qualify for the free gift!

Each VIP member can collect one gift each month. The percent off can be used as many times as you like in the calendar month. No limits!

How do the discounts work for Online orders?

Simply add the items you want to cart, check out using the “Direct Bank Deposit” option to send the order unpaid. Be sure to either log-in or enter the email address we have on file at checkout, so we know you’re a VIP. Once we receive and pick your order, we’ll throw in the free gift and reply back with the adjusted invoice with all the discounts applied. You can then pay any way you like, PayPal, ZipPay, credit card or bank transfer.

Not a VIP? Join Now to Start Saving Big Time!

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals
Join VIP 2024 for over $240 in free gifts and 12 HUGE Discounts!

Become a Bead Lover GOLD VIP Member today to start saving and being rewarded! For the small investment of just $29, you’ll be entitled to receive a free gift of beads every month of 2024. You’ll also save big time with our huge monthly VIP special discount. These discounts are unlimited so you can order as little or as much as you want, as many times as you like in the calendar month.

Join VIP 2024

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Ultimate Guide to the Par Puca French Designer Beads Range

Jewellery making is an art form that continually evolves with new materials and innovative designs. Among the many beads available to artisans, Par Puca beads stand out for their unique shapes, superior craftsmanship, and endless creative possibilities. Designed by the renowned French bead artist Puca, these beads have captivated jewellery makers worldwide. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of Par Puca beads, exploring their history, individual types, and creative potential.

Introduction and History of Par Puca Beads

Par Puca beads were introduced by the talented French designer Puca, who has a passion for creating unique and versatile bead shapes. Puca’s designs aim to inspire jewellery makers to push the boundaries of their creativity. Manufactured in the Czech Republic, Par Puca beads are crafted from high-quality Czech glass, known for its durability and vibrant colours. The precise engineering of these beads ensures uniformity in size and shape, which is essential for intricate beadwork.

Since their introduction, Par Puca beads have gained a loyal following among jewellery makers. Their distinctive shapes and dual-hole designs allow for complex and cohesive patterns that are difficult to achieve with traditional beads. Whether you are a seasoned bead artist or a beginner, Par Puca beads offer endless opportunities for creative expression.

Types of Par Puca Beads

Arcos Par Puca Beads

Arcos Par Puca

Arcos Par Puca beads are crescent-shaped beads with three holes, measuring 5x10mm. Their unique, curved design makes them perfect for creating elegant, flowing patterns and intricate, circular motifs. The three-hole configuration allows for versatile bead weaving and layering, making Arcos beads a favourite among jewellery makers.

Creative Project Ideas for Arcos Par Puca Beads

Elegant Necklaces: Use Arcos beads to form graceful curves and circular patterns in your necklaces. Pair them with seed beads and other Par Puca beads for a cohesive design.

Chic Bracelets: Craft stylish bracelets by combining Arcos beads with Kos and Minos beads to create intricate, layered patterns.

Sophisticated Earrings: Design earrings with Arcos beads arranged in floral or star motifs, adding crystals or pearls for a touch of elegance.

Amos Par Puca Beads

Amos Par Puca Beads

Amos Par Puca beads are teardrop-shaped beads with two parallel holes, measuring 5x8mm. These versatile beads are perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your designs. Their unique shape and dual-hole design make them ideal for creating detailed patterns and adding dimension to your jewellery.

Creative Project Ideas for Amos Par Puca Beads

Graceful Necklaces: Use Amos beads to create flowing, teardrop patterns in your necklaces. Combine them with other Par Puca beads for a unified design.

Stylish Bracelets: Craft chic bracelets by incorporating Amos beads with seed beads and multi-hole beads to add depth and texture.

Elegant Earrings: Design sophisticated earrings with Amos beads arranged in cascading motifs, enhancing the design with crystals or pearls.

Kheops Par Puca Beads

Kheops Par Puca

Kheops Par Puca beads are triangular beads with a two-hole design, measuring 6x6mm. Their flat, pyramid-like shape makes them perfect for creating geometric patterns and adding dimension to your beadwork. Kheops beads can be used as spacers, accents, or focal points in your jewellery designs.

Creative Project Ideas for Kheops Par Puca Beads

Geometric Necklaces: Combine Kheops beads with seed beads to create intricate geometric patterns in your necklaces.

Stylish Bracelets: Use the two-hole design to create layered bracelets with depth and texture.

Sophisticated Earrings: Design earrings with Kheops beads arranged in triangular motifs, adding crystals for a touch of sparkle.

Kos Par Puca Beads

Kos Par Puca

Kos Par Puca beads feature a flat, curved design with two holes, measuring 3x6mm. These beads are ideal for creating elegant curves and waves in your jewellery. Kos beads seamlessly integrate with other Par Puca beads, allowing for cohesive and intricate designs.

Creative Project Ideas for Kos Par Puca Beads

Graceful Necklaces: Use Kos beads to form flowing, elegant patterns in your necklaces.

Chic Bracelets: Combine Kos beads with other multi-hole beads to craft stylish and complex bracelets.

Delicate Earrings: Create sophisticated earrings by arranging Kos beads in wave-like motifs, adding pearls for elegance.

Minos Par Puca Beads

Minos Par Puca

Minos Par Puca beads are small, cylindrical beads with a single hole, measuring 2.5x3mm. These versatile beads can be used as spacers, accents, or main elements in your designs. Their simple shape makes them ideal for a wide range of jewellery projects.

Creative Project Ideas for Minos Par Puca Beads

Elegant Necklaces: Use Minos beads as spacers between larger beads or combine them with other Par Puca beads.

Chic Bracelets: Create stylish bracelets by mixing Minos beads with seed beads and other multi-hole beads.

Sophisticated Earrings: Design earrings with Minos beads as accents in complex beadwork patterns.

Paros Par Puca Beads

Paros Par Puca Beads

Paros Par Puca beads are oval-shaped beads with two parallel holes, measuring 4x7mm. Their unique shape and dual-hole design make them perfect for adding dimension to your jewellery. Paros beads work well with other Par Puca beads, allowing for intricate and cohesive patterns.

Creative Project Ideas for Paros Par Puca Beads

Geometric Necklaces: Use Paros beads to create intricate patterns in your necklaces.

Layered Bracelets: Combine Paros beads with seed beads and other multi-hole beads to craft stylish bracelets.

Elegant Earrings: Design earrings with Paros beads arranged in unique motifs, adding crystals for sparkle.

Super Kheops Par Puca Beads

Super Kheops Par Puca

Super Kheops Par Puca beads are triangular, two-hole beads with a three-dimensional pyramid shape, measuring 6x6mm. These beads are ideal for creating bold geometric patterns and adding depth to your beadwork.

Creative Project Ideas for Super Kheops Par Puca Beads

Geometric Necklaces: Use the pyramid shape of Super Kheops beads to create bold patterns in your necklaces.

Layered Bracelets: Craft stylish bracelets by combining Super Kheops beads with seed beads and other multi-hole beads.

Dynamic Earrings: Design earrings with Super Kheops beads in star or floral motifs, adding crystals for elegance.

Tinos Par Puca Beads

Tinos Par Puca beads

Tinos Par Puca beads are trapezoidal, two-hole beads measuring 4x10mm. Their distinctive shape and dual-hole design make them perfect for creating geometric patterns and adding dimension to your jewellery.

Creative Project Ideas for Tinos Par Puca Beads

Geometric Necklaces: Use Tinos beads to create bold geometric patterns in your necklaces.

Layered Bracelets: Combine Tinos beads with seed beads and other multi-hole beads to craft stylish bracelets.

Dynamic Earrings: Design earrings with Tinos beads arranged in star or floral motifs, adding crystals for elegance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What makes Par Puca beads unique?

A: Par Puca beads are unique due to their distinctive shapes and dual-hole designs, which allow for the creation of intricate and cohesive beadwork patterns. They are crafted from high-quality Czech glass, ensuring durability and vibrant colours.

Q: How do I choose the right Par Puca beads for my project?

A: Consider the design and complexity of your project. For geometric patterns, Kheops, Super Kheops, and Tinos beads are ideal. For flowing designs, Kos and Paros beads work well. Minos beads are versatile and can be used as spacers or accents.

Q: What type of thread should I use with Par Puca beads?

A: Use a strong, flexible beading thread such as Fireline or Wildfire to support your designs and ensure they hold up over time.

Q: Can I combine Par Puca beads with other bead types?

A: Yes, Par Puca beads can be combined with seed beads, crystals, pearls, and other multi-hole beads to create unique and intricate designs.

Where to Buy Par Puca Beads

For Australian crafters, finding a reliable supplier of Par Puca beads is essential. Visit Beads N Crystals, a trusted source for high-quality beads and beading supplies. Based in Brisbane, Beads N Crystals offers an extensive range of Par Puca beads, ensuring you have access to the best selection for your projects. Their knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect beads for your designs and provide expert advice on jewellery making.

Par Puca beads are a fantastic addition to any jewellery maker’s collection. Their unique shapes, superior craftsmanship, and vibrant colour options make them perfect for creating intricate and stunning designs. Whether you’re a seasoned bead artist or a beginner looking to expand your bead collection, Par Puca beads provide endless opportunities for creative expression.

Discover the endless possibilities and elegance of Par Puca beads and take your beadwork to new heights. Happy crafting!

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VIP Specials – May 2024

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals

Gold VIP – Exclusive Club for Serious Beaders

VIP Membership 2024

Welcome to our MAY VIP OFFERS FOR 2024

Hello, fantastic VIP beaders!

May is here with exciting deals just for you, our amazing VIP members!

Get ready for your next bead-filled delight. This month, enjoy a massive 40% discount on our entire selection of seed beads. These colourful little beads are perfect for adding flair to your creations. Plus, for our valued members, receive a complimentary strand of Peach Moonstone beads this month with any purchase of $10 or more – valued at $20, they’re a lovely addition to your stash!

Thank you for being a part of our VIP family. Your passion for beads keeps us doing what we do, and we can’t wait to continue this beadtastic journey with you. Don’t miss out—let’s turn your beaded dreams into sparkling realities!

Happy Beading,

The Beads N Crystals Team

VIP Free beads for May 2024
VIP Members geta FREE Strand of Peach Moonstone beads valued at $20 this May

Premium Peach Moonstone Beads

These stunning peach moonstone chip beads are the best of their kind. Thick rounded chip beads with a luxurious feel and the unmistakable glimmer of moonstone in the adorable peach variety. These aren’t regular strands, they’re a large loop measuring a total of a tad over 80cm. We can’t guarantee a bead count because the sizes are completely random, but a quick check of a couple of strands, it looks like you may get around 250 beads on a strand.

This brings the total value of gifts this year to $101.20, and there are another 7 months to go!

May VIP Discount



Every beader loves seed beads, even if they don’t like to admit it! You see, seed beads aren’t just for seed beaders! They are versatile little critters that can be used in almost every aspect of beading and bead craft. Use them as spacers, to extend a necklace and make toggle clasps easier to work, and even as little anchors when stitching sequins.

Seed beads come in an amazing array of variations, sizes, shapes and colours. In fact, Seed Beads are the second biggest category on our website with over 2200 products across 59 subcategories. This month, the whole lot are on sale at 40% Off. The only exclusion is the Miyuki Delica bulk packs, and there are only a handful of those anyway.

Check out the amazing selection of seed beads on offer, including famous collections like Size 11 Miyuki Delica’s, Size 11 Czech Hanks, SuperDuo’s, Gem Duo’s, and the square TILA beads, to name a few.

All of our multi-hole Czeck, Japanese and French beads are in this category, so they’re all part of the deal!

Not for use with bulk (50g and 100g bags) of Miyuki Delica beads.

How To Order Online with 40% OFF

VIP Members, please place your order and select “Direct Bank Deposit” as the payment option at checkout. We’ll apply your discounts, add your free gifts and advise the new discounted total. Please don’t pay until we’ve confirmed the discounted total.

Exclusive Monthly Specials – March

Each month we release some exclusive specials just for VIP members.

Cool White 5-7mm
Freshwater Potato Pearls

Each bead measures a delicate 5-7mm, perfect for creating elegant and timeless jewellery pieces. These top-drilled pearls offer versatility in design, allowing you to showcase their natural beauty in necklaces, bracelets, or earrings with graceful drape and shimmer.

Normally $18
VIP Price Just $8

Magnetic Clasp 10x5mm Barrel Wave Gold Plated

Discover the convenience of our Magnetic Clasp 10x5mm Barrel Wave in Gold Plated finish. Crafted from copper-based materials. The barrel wave design adds a touch of sophistication to your jewellery creations while offering ease of use with its magnetic closure. Perfect for bracelets and necklaces, this clasp ensures a secure and seamless finish to your handmade pieces.

Normally $1.80
VIP Price $1.00

Baroque Freshwater Pearl Link Component

Let me introduce you to our exquisite Baroque Freshwater Pearl Link, featuring an irregular shape with a natural gold luster. Each pearl measures approximately 7x19mm and comes equipped with two metal loops—one at each end—designed specifically for inline linking in jewellery designs.

Normally $9.80 each
VIP Price $5

Mini Heart Charms

Introducing our delightful new assortment of enamel heart-shaped charms, each one a miniature work of art! These charming charms come in a wide array of sizes, colours, and patterns, making them perfect for adding a touch of fun and personality to your jewellery creations. Whether you’re designing a custom charm bracelet, creating unique earrings, or adding flair to a necklace, these versatile charms are an ideal choice.

Normally $1.80
VIP Price 10 for $5

How do the free gifts work?

Every month we’ll have a free gift available for VIP members. The gift can be collected or sent with any order of $10 or more of any products, discounted or not! So, if you selected $18 worth of findings in March, the 40% off would bring them down to just $10.80, and that purchase would qualify for the free gift!

Each VIP member can collect one gift each month. The percent off can be used as many times as you like in the calendar month. No limits!

How do the discounts work for Online orders?

Simply add the items you want to cart, check out using the “Direct Bank Deposit” option to send the order unpaid. Be sure to either log-in or enter the email address we have on file at checkout, so we know you’re a VIP. Once we receive and pick your order, we’ll throw in the free gift and reply back with the adjusted invoice with all the discounts applied. You can then pay any way you like, PayPal, ZipPay, credit card or bank transfer.

Not a VIP? Join Now to Start Saving Big Time!

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals
Join VIP 2024 for over $240 in free gifts and 12 HUGE Discounts!

Become a Bead Lover GOLD VIP Member today to start saving and being rewarded! For the small investment of just $29, you’ll be entitled to receive a free gift of beads every month of 2024. You’ll also save big time with our huge monthly VIP special discount. These discounts are unlimited so you can order as little or as much as you want, as many times as you like in the calendar month.

Join VIP 2024

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All About Crystals: Comprehensive Guide to Gemstones

Hey there, crystal enthusiasts! Travis here, your trusty guide to all things sparkly and spectacular. If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head over the term “crystals” and what it really means in the world of crafting and spirituality, you’re not alone. The word “crystals” can encompass a wide range of materials, from natural gemstones to glass beads and everything in between. In this guide, we’re diving deep into the world of crystals to clear up the confusion once and for all. So grab your magnifying glass and sense of adventure – let’s embark on a crystal-clear journey together!

What Are Crystals?

At its most basic definition, a crystal is a solid material whose atoms are arranged in a highly ordered, repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. This precise arrangement gives crystals their unique properties, including clarity, hardness, and ability to refract light.

Are Crystals Natural?

Yes, many crystals occur naturally in the Earth’s crust through geological processes such as cooling and solidification of molten rock or the evaporation of mineral-rich solutions. You’ll find natural crystals in various forms, including tumbled gemstones, crystal points, clusters, and more. We stock an amazing array of beads carved from these crystal pieces.

Crystals vs Gemstones: What’s the Difference?

We tend to use the words “crystals” and “gemstones” interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two. Crystals technically refers to a solid material with a highly ordered atomic structure for example, while gemstones specifically means minerals or rocks.

In the world of jewellery making and crafts, this can cause some confusion when people looking for rhinestones, Preciosa bicones, amethyst beads, tumbled stones, citrine points, chandelier components, faceted glass beads, and even pointy diamantes. When someone asks “where are your crystals” we don’t have enough arms between us to point in all the directions at once.

We tend to refer to the natural stuff (like Lapis beads, tumbled agate, and quartz wands) as gemstones, and Swarovski, glass faceted beads and diamantes as crystals, just to lessen the confusion.

Crystals and Gemstones are available from Beads N Crystals Australia
Shop Gemstones and Crystals

The Many Faces of Crystals:

Crystals come in a dazzling array of forms, each with their own unique allure and energy. Whether you’re drawn to the smooth, comforting feel of tumbled gemstones, the sharp precision of crystal points, or the captivating beauty of crystal clusters, there’s a crystal for every purpose and preference. These diverse formations not only reflect the natural wonders of the Earth but also serve as powerful tools for healing, manifestation, and spiritual growth. Let’s explore the captivating world of crystals and uncover their hidden depths together!

Tumbled Gemstones: Tumbles are natural gemstones that have been polished in a tumbler to make smooth, rounded shapes. They’re the ones kids, including kidults like me, like to collect.

Crystal Points: These natural beauties are fascinating! You’ll usually see natural citrine, quartz and amethyst gemstone points, although some other gems are cut into points as well. They’re often used by healers for their energy and meditation powers, or as decorative accents.

Crystal Clusters: These formations consist of multiple crystal points growing together, creating intricate and beautiful arrangements that are said to amplify the energy of the crystals.

Gemstone Beads: These are natural or synthetic gemstones that have been drilled and shaped into beads for use in jewellery making and crafting. Some gemstones like Malachite and Larimar are quite expensive in their natural form, so they are often copied. The synthetic versions are much cheaper, but lack the properties and luxurious appeal of the real thing.

Glass Crystal Beads: These are man-made beads crafted from glass but designed to mimic the sparkle and brilliance of natural crystals. They’re popular for adding glamour and shine to jewellery designs.

Swarovski and Preciosa Crystals: These are premium-quality crystal beads manufactured by renowned European brands known for their exceptional clarity, brilliance, and precision-cut facets. They’re prized by jewellery designers and costumers for their unparalleled sparkle and beauty.

Crystal Chandelier Parts: These are specialised crystal components used in the construction of chandeliers and other lighting fixtures. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, adding a touch of elegance to any space.

Exploring Crystal Meanings and Metaphysical Properties:

Many people are attracted to crystals not only for their beauty but also for their reputed metaphysical properties, believed to influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each crystal is said to have its own unique energy and healing properties, making them powerful tools for personal growth and transformation.

Preciosa Crystals and Rhinestones
Browse our Preciosa Crystals collection

Frequently Asked Questions About Crystals:

1. Are Crystals Natural or Man-Made?

Crystals can be both natural and man-made. Some are even man-made from natural stones. Natural crystals form through geological processes over millions of years. Man-made crystals are usually created in laboratories using methods like melting and cooling, or they can be grown through chemical synthesis. Many synthetic gemstones utilise other gemstones or minerals in their production process.

2. How Do I Cleanse and Charge My Crystals?

There are several methods for cleansing and charging crystals, including:

  • Rinse them under running water.
  • Smudge them with sage or palo santo smoke.
  • Place them in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.
  • Bury them in the earth for a day or two.
  • Use sound vibrations from singing bowls or bells.

3. What Are the Benefits of Using Crystals?

Lots of people believe in the metaphysical powers and properties of crystals. Some of the benefits include:

  • Balancing and aligning energy centres (chakras).
  • Enhancing meditation and spiritual practices.
  • Providing protection from negative energy.
  • Promoting emotional healing and well-being.
  • Amplifying intentions and manifestation efforts.

4. How Can I Tell if a Crystal Is Genuine?

Some tips for identifying genuine crystals include:

  • Researching the properties and characteristics of the specific crystal.
  • Examining its colour, clarity, and texture.
  • Checking for natural imperfections and inclusions.
  • Testing its hardness and density (if possible).
  • Purchasing from reputable sellers or sources.

Remember, many online sellers looking to make a quick buck will pass off synthetic stones as the real thing. Some even substitute one for another. For example it’s common for some online sellers to provide agate when a customer orders obsidian. Many people won’t know the difference, and they can make extra money sending a lower cost product. At Beads N Crystals, we have many years of experience selling gemstones, so we know what we’re dealing with. Our reputation and repeat business are the key to our success. We never supply low cost or imitated products as the real thing.

5. Can Crystals Help with Healing and Meditation?

Many people believe that crystals have healing properties and can support meditation efforts. Although scientific evidence is not extensive, many individuals find that working with crystals personally promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and enhances overall well-being based on their own experiences. It’s important to note that crystals should not replace medical treatment, but rather complement holistic practices.

Shop glass crystal beads at Beads N Crystals Australia
Shop our range of Glass Crystal Beads

The term “crystals” encompasses a diverse array of materials, each with their own unique characteristics and uses. Whether you’re drawn to the natural beauty of gemstones, the sparkle of glass crystal beads, or the precision-cut brilliance of Swarovski crystals, there’s something pretty magical about incorporating crystals into your life and creative endeavours. So go ahead, explore the fascinating world of crystals and let their beauty and energy inspire you on your journey of self-discovery and creativity.

Get your Bead-Fix and Chill!
Travis out

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VIP Specials – April 2024

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals

Gold VIP – Exclusive Club for Serious Beaders

VIP Membership 2024

Welcome to our APRIL VIP OFFERS FOR 2024

Hey there, fabulous beaders! We’re jumping into the fourth month of our VIP 2024 program with arms wide open and sparkle galore! Get ready for a whirlwind of excitement and exclusive offers just for you, our bead-loving VIPs!

Guess what? It’s time to unwrap your fourth freebie of the year: four tubes bursting with vibrant glass seed beads, valued at an awesome $13.20! These little beauties are like colorful confetti for your crafting adventures, ready to sprinkle some magic into your creations. Come in and select your own from our $3.30 seed bead selection.

Hold onto your bead trays because we’re not done yet! Prepare to dive into our fourth mega deal of the year, exclusively for our VIP crew. Enjoy an incredible 30% discount on rhinestones, including those dazzling Swarovski $12 packs, the whole Shimr collection, sequins, and gift boxes and bags. It’s like a treasure hunt where you’re guaranteed to find gems at every turn.

A massive thank you for being an absolute gem of a VIP member – your passion for beads keeps our hearts beading with joy, and we’re thrilled to continue this beadtastic journey with you. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into these exclusive April offers and turn your bead dreams into sparkling realities.

Happy Beading,

The Beads N Crystals Team

April VIP Free Gift

4 Tubes of Seed Beads

Choose your own beading adventure with our VIP Gift for April. We have a great selection of seed bead tubes on our $3.30 rack and you can help yourself to any four!

Don’t forget, we take back our plastic seed bead tubes to recycle in exchange for a 20c store credit. So, hold onto your old tubes because they’re literally worth twice as much as those sticky old drink cans! Every tube we re-use is a tube we don’t need to buy brand new, so your help makes a real difference!

This month, VIP members get four tubes of assorted seed beads (a $13.20 total value) for FREE with any purchase of $10 or more.

This brings the total value of gifts this year to $81.20, and there are another 8 months to go!

April VIP Discount

30% OFF Rhinestones, Sequins & More

PLUS Gift Bags and Gift Boxes
Includes all Swarovski Flat Backs $12 Packs
and Shimr brand products

It’s time to get your BLING on with our unmissable VIP offer for April. Our entire wall of $12 Swarovski Packs are included, along with the whole Shimr range of flat back crystals.

Sequins by the tube and by the roll are also on sale this month. To turn your creations into a gift, be sure to grab some gift boxes and gift bags. The 30% off includes those too!

Click through to the categories on sale:

Not for use with quantity, bulk, special or clearance prices or other discounts. Excludes other Swarovski products and factory packs.

How To Order Online with 30% OFF

VIP Members, please place your order and select “Direct Bank Deposit” as the payment option at checkout. We’ll apply your discounts, add your free gifts and advise the new discounted total. Please don’t pay until we’ve confirmed the discounted total.

Exclusive Monthly Specials – March

Each month we release some exclusive specials just for VIP members.

Necklace Kit

Packed with everything you need (yes! even the pliers/cutters) this kit will teach you a clever technique as you make this fun multi-strand necklace.

Includes threads, findings, beads and tool.

Normally $30
VIP Price Just $20

90m 0.8mm Elastic

Fibrous elastic beading thread in a handy dispenser box. At 0.8mm this elastic works with almost all beads and is easy to tie. Extra long 90m roll.

Normally $14.95
VIP Price $10

Easter Egg Charms

We have four designs in these cute little Easter egg charms. Brilliant gold accents with colourful hand-enameled artwork make these stand out as earrings or a pendant on a fine chain. They’re also great additions to friendship bracelets.

Normally $1.60 each
VIP Price $0.80

Mini Bee Charms

These cute little 3D bee charms are double-sided making them perfect for earrings and bracelets. At just 10mm, you can add a little fun without distracting from your beading designs.

Normally $0.40
VIP Price 10 for $2

How do the free gifts work?

Every month we’ll have a free gift available for VIP members. The gift can be collected or sent with any order of $10 or more of any products, discounted or not! So, if you selected $18 worth of findings in March, the 40% off would bring them down to just $10.80, and that purchase would qualify for the free gift!

Each VIP member can collect one gift each month. The percent off can be used as many times as you like in the calendar month. No limits!

How do the discounts work for Online orders?

Simply add the items you want to cart, check out using the “Direct Bank Deposit” option to send the order unpaid. Be sure to either log-in or enter the email address we have on file at checkout, so we know you’re a VIP. Once we receive and pick your order, we’ll throw in the free gift and reply back with the adjusted invoice with all the discounts applied. You can then pay any way you like, PayPal, ZipPay, credit card or bank transfer.

Not a VIP? Join Now to Start Saving Big Time!

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals
Join VIP 2024 for over $240 in free gifts and 12 HUGE Discounts!

Become a Bead Lover GOLD VIP Member today to start saving and being rewarded! For the small investment of just $29, you’ll be entitled to receive a free gift of beads every month of 2024. You’ll also save big time with our huge monthly VIP special discount. These discounts are unlimited so you can order as little or as much as you want, as many times as you like in the calendar month.

Join VIP 2024

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VIP Specials – March 2024

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals

Gold VIP – Exclusive Club for Serious Beaders

VIP Membership 2024

Welcome to our MARCH VIP OFFERS FOR 2024

Happy March! Can you believe we’ve already kicked off the third month of our VIP 2024 program? Hold onto your hats because we’ve got some super exciting updates and exclusive offers just for you!

Drumroll, please… introducing your third freebie of the year: a fabulous strand of 8mm red sponge coral beads! These beauties aren’t just eye candy; they’re like a burst of creative energy for your crafting adventures.

But hey, the party doesn’t stop there! Brace yourselves for our third mega deal of the year, exclusively for our VIP crew. Get ready to snag a jaw-dropping 40% off on findings and more. It’s like a shopping spree dream come true!

Big thanks for being a rockstar VIP member – your flair for creativity keeps us buzzing, and we’re pumped to keep this adventure rolling with you. Dive into these exclusive offers and let the good times roll!

Happy Beading,

The Beads N Crystals Team

March VIP Free Gift

A Strand of 8mm Round Red Sponge Coral Beads valued at $16!

For centuries, red coral beads have been a symbol of opulence and wealth. The typical process was to dive into reefs and hack the coral out. This is not ‘that’ kind of coral! This is Sponge Coral, also known as sea sponge or bamboo coral. Unlike the hard red coral used in traditional coral beads, sponge coral has a softer, porous structure that resembles the texture of natural sea sponges.

Most hard coral beads of the past are no longer available as the harvesting of sea coral is generally illegal, and obviously has a devastating effect on reef ecosystems. Our sponge coral beads are made of specifically grown sponge coral from specialist farms. This means there are no harsh ecological effects on sea reefs caused by the production of our beads.

This month, VIP members get a strand of ethically sourced Sponge Coral beads (a $16 total value) for FREE month with any purchase of $10 or more.

This brings the total value of gifts for 2024 to $68, and we’re only in month 3!

March VIP Discount

40% Off Findings, Clasps, Bezels & Cabochons
Including Sterling Silver & Gold Findings!

Includes ALL Bezel Settings & Cabochons
PLUS ALL Sterling Silver & Gold Findings

It’s time to get your projects finished with our great range of high quality findings. Clasps to complete bracelets and necklaces, ear hooks and pins for earrings, Jump rings, bails and bezels to complete your designs. They’re all on sale at 40% off.

This sale includes loose findings and bulk packets, brass, iron, copper, sterling silver, gold filled and more.

Magnetic clasps are a must-have and at 40% off how can you resist? Make the absolute most of your VIP membership by stocking up on the findings you’ll need for the next 8 months, and you’ll never need to pay full price! (Remember, in December, you can use this deal again!)

As a VIP you’ll earn FULL POINTS on all of these specials. So even though it’s 40% off, you earn the full points as though you’d paid full price! Give your points a HUGE Boost with this deep discount and extra points. Don’t miss out on the chance to stock up on premium crafting materials and turn your artistic visions into reality.

The sale includes over 2000 products:

ALL FINDINGS includes everything in our FINDINGS Categories: such as bails, bead caps, bead cones, bookmarks, brooch and badge backs, clasps, magnetic clasps, cogs, crimps & crimp covers, wire guardians, cufflinks, daisy spacers, decorative rings, dread crimps, dreamcatcher rings, ear hooks, headpins, end caps, filigree components, hair combs, jump rings & split rings, keychains, spectacle ends, swivels, rondelles (excluding Swarovski & Preciosa), sliders, spacer bars, and tassels.

STERLING SILVER AND GOLD FINDINGS includes findings only. Beads, jewellery, wire and chains are not included. Gold includes Gold Filled and Vermeil Gold.

Not for use with special or clearance prices or other discounts.

How To Order Online with 40% OFF

VIP Members, please place your order and select “Direct Bank Deposit” as the payment option at checkout. We’ll apply your discounts, add your free gifts and advise the new discounted total. Please don’t pay until we’ve confirmed the discounted total.

Exclusive Monthly Specials – March

Each month we release some exclusive specials just for VIP members.

Organza Bags 10pk

We have four different options on sale for VIP’s this month. Choose from gold hearts on pink, gold butterflies on black, gold hearts on black, or gold flowers on sky-blue (shown).

7x9cm to 10x12cm sizes.

Normally $7.70 – $8.00 per pack
VIP Deal – $4 Per Pack

Easter Bunny with Egg Charm 10x18mm

These cute little Easter bunnies are double-sided so they’re perfect for earrings and charm bracelets. They are small enough for the lightest and most petite jewellery yet thye have amazing detail.

Normally $0.30 /pc
VIP Price – 10 for $1

Easter Egg Charms

We have four designs in these cute little Easter egg charms. Brilliant gold accents with colourful hand-enameled artwork make these stand out as earrings or a pendant on a fine chain. They’re also great additions to friendship bracelets.

Normally $1.60 each
VIP Price $0.80

Heart Pendant

Our large puff heart pendants look great on their own or as an addition to your beaded creations. Whether you’re looking to top off a gemstone beaded necklace, or just after a simple pendant to hang from a fine chain, these beautiful heart pendants are luxe in appearance and work perfectly with Autumn or Easter inspired jewellery.

Normally $8
VIP Price $4

How do the free gifts work?

Every month we’ll have a free gift available for VIP members. The gift can be collected or sent with any order of $10 or more of any products, discounted or not! So, if you selected $18 worth of findings in March, the 40% off would bring them down to just $10.80, and that purchase would qualify for the free gift!

Each VIP member can collect one gift each month. The percent off can be used as many times as you like in the calendar month. No limits!

How do the discounts work for Online orders?

Simply add the items you want to cart, check out using the “Direct Bank Deposit” option to send the order unpaid. Be sure to either log-in or enter the email address we have on file at checkout, so we know you’re a VIP. Once we receive and pick your order, we’ll throw in the free gift and reply back with the adjusted invoice with all the discounts applied. You can then pay any way you like, PayPal, ZipPay, credit card or bank transfer.

Not a VIP? Join Now to Start Saving Big Time!

VIP Card 2024 at Beads N Crystals
Join VIP 2024 for over $240 in free gifts and 12 HUGE Discounts!

Become a Bead Lover GOLD VIP Member today to start saving and being rewarded! For the small investment of just $29, you’ll be entitled to receive a free gift of beads every month of 2024. You’ll also save big time with our huge monthly VIP special discount. These discounts are unlimited so you can order as little or as much as you want, as many times as you like in the calendar month.

Join VIP 2024

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Crafting Beyond the Concert: Creative Ideas for Leftover Beads from the Taylor Swift Craze!

Hey there, Swifties! Travis here, ready to help you turn those leftover crafting supplies from your Taylor Swift-inspired friendship bracelets into new and exciting creations. Let’s dive into some creative crafting ideas that will put those beads, cords, and threads to good use!

Did you find yourself knee-deep in beads after creating those fabulous friendship bracelets for the Taylor Swift concert? Wondering what to do with the leftover supplies now that the concert buzz is settling down? Fear not! We’ve got you covered with a treasure trove of creative crafting ideas to make the most out of those extra beads. From personalised keychains to boho beaded anklets, there’s no shortage of ways to turn your leftover treasures into new and exciting creations. Let’s dive in and give those beads a second life filled with creativity and charm!

1. Personalised Keychains:

Use your leftover letter beads to spell out initials, names, or meaningful words on beading wire or elastic cords. Add colourful spacer beads for a pop of personality, finish it off with a keychain finding and voila – you’ve got custom keychains to gift to friends or attach to your backpack!

2. Boho Beaded Anklets:

String together leftover spacer beads and colourful discs on elastic cord to create trendy boho-inspired anklets. Mix and match colours and patterns to match your summer wardrobe and add a touch of Swiftie flair to your beach look.

3. Music-Inspired Bookmarks:

Channel your love for Taylor Swift’s iconic songs into handmade bookmarks. String together letter beads to spell out your favorite song lyrics or album titles, and embellish with coordinating spacer beads. Hang them off a bookmark finding and you’re all done! It’s a fun way to keep your place in your favorite reads while paying homage to your favorite artist.

4. Inspirational Quote Bracelets:

Get inspired by Taylor Swift’s empowering lyrics and create bracelets featuring uplifting quotes or messages. Use a mix of letter beads and colourful spacers to spell out words like “Fearless,” “Brave,” or “Kindness.” Wear them as a daily reminder to stay strong and true to yourself.

5. Pet Collar Charms:

Treat your furry friends to some Swiftie style with homemade pet collar charms. Spell out their names or nicknames using leftover letter beads, and add cute spacer beads for extra flair. Attach them to their collars for a touch of personalised bling.

6. Upcycled Hair Accessories:

Give plain hair ties or clips a makeover with leftover beads and cords. Wrap elastic cords or wrapping wire around hair ties and thread on colourful spacer beads for a bohemian-chic vibe. Or glue letter beads onto bobby pins to create custom hair accessories featuring your favorite Swiftie phrases.

7. Donation Station Reminder:

Remember, if you find yourself with more supplies than you can craft with, don’t let them go to waste! Consider donating your leftover beads, cords, and threads to our Crafting Sustainability recycling bin in-store. Your generosity will help support local schools and charities, providing them with much-needed crafting supplies to spark creativity in the community community.

So there you have it, Swifties – a plethora of crafting ideas to keep the creativity flowing long after Tay Tay flies off into the sunset after the final concert in Australia. Let’s turn those leftover supplies into new treasures and spread the love of crafting far and wide! Keep on crafting, and remember, every bead tells a story.

Get your Bead-Fix and Chill!
Travis out

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Discover 8 Must-Know Findings Hacks for Stunning Jewellery Designs!

Hey there, bead buddies! Travis here, your crafty companion and resident Website Wizard at Beads N Crystals. Today, we’re delving into the underrated world of jewellery findings – those magical little components that hold our creations together and make them shine! But wait, there’s more! I’ve also sprinkled in some cost-saving hacks to help you stretch your crafting budget further. Let’s dive in!

Lets demystify the term “findings.” In our crafty world of jewellery making, findings are like the unsung heroes – they’re the essential components that bring your creations together. Think of them as the nuts and bolts of your jewellery projects. Findings encompass a wide range of small but crucial pieces, think clasps, jump rings, ear wires, head pins, crimps, and more. They’re what you use to connect different elements of your design, secure closures, and add those finishing touches that make your pieces shine.

So, whether you’re crafting earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or any other type of jewellery, you’ll likely find yourself reaching for findings to complete your masterpiece. They may be small, but they play a big role in ensuring your creations are both beautiful and functional. They’re not only essential, they can be used to add a pop of creativity to your designs too!

The Magic of Jewellery Findings: Unlocking Your Creativity:

First things first, let’s talk about the unsung heroes of jewellery making – findings! From clasps and jump rings to ear wires and crimp beads, these tiny treasures are the backbone of our creations. They not only keep everything in place but also add that finishing touch of elegance. So, let your creativity soar as you explore the endless possibilities of jewellery findings!

Hack #1: Multipurpose Jump Rings – One Ring to Rule Them All:

Say goodbye to cluttered craft drawers! Did you know that jump rings can be manipulated and re-sized? Plus they can double as connectors for multiple strands of beads? Simply manipulate the shape of larger jump rings using your round nose pliers and trim the excess to make a ring a size or two. Bend a jump ring so there are two V shapes pointing in toward each other. Manipulate the ring and the V shapes so that the points almost touch, leaving you with an almost figure-8-shaped wire. This new connector you’ve created can be used to hold a two-strand bracelet together at intervals in your design.

Hack #2: DIY Ear Wires – Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary:

Turn your styles up a notch with homemade ear wires! All you need is some sturdy wire and a pair of round-nose pliers. By crafting your own ear wires, you not only customise the style but also cut down on costs compared to purchasing pre-made ones. Some craft wire in a 20 or 22 gauge and a wire jig will make this process a breeze.

Hack #3: Creative Clasp Alternatives:

Don’t limit yourself to traditional clasps! Get creative with alternative closure options such as toggle clasps, magnetic clasps, or even decorative buttons. These unique closures not only add visual interest to your designs but also offer practicality and ease of use. Make your own clasps using a ring of seed beads and a stick pearl as a toggle, or wrap your own wire s-hooks.

Hack #4: Clasp Upgrade – From Basic to Bling:

Give your designs a touch of luxury without breaking the bank! Transform basic clasps into dazzling closures by embellishing them with small Swarovski crystals or seed beads. It’s a cost-effective way to add a hint of glamour to your creations.

Wire Guardians Example

Hack #5: Wire Guardians – The Unsung Heroes of Durability:

Protect your stringing material and prevent wear and tear with wire guardians. These small findings may seem insignificant, but they play a crucial role in extending the lifespan of your jewellery pieces. Plus, they add a professional finish to your designs.

Hack #6: Bulk Buying Bonanza – Saving in Style:

Stock up on your favorite findings by purchasing in bulk! Many of our products have additional quantity discounts, allowing you to save money in the long run. Just make sure to store them properly to prevent tarnish and damage. VIP members and wholesale clients have access to great additional savings on findings too.

Hack #7: Repurpose and Recreate – Finding New Life in Old Findings:

Get creative with your findings by repurposing old or broken jewellery pieces. Salvage clasps, jump rings, and other components to breathe new life into your designs. It’s eco-friendly and budget-friendly – a win-win!

For any crafting pieces you can’t make use of, give them a new life through a range of community groups via our craft recycling bin.

So there you have it, bead addicts – a treasure trove of jewellery findings wisdom paired with some savvy cost-saving hacks. Now go forth and craft with confidence, knowing that you’ve got the skills and smarts to create stunning jewellery pieces without breaking the bank.

Get your Bead-Fix and Chill!
Travis out