Lava Beads 8mm Round Metallic Orange Plated Strand


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Only 8 left in stock

SKU: GB206 Category: Tag:


Lava Beads 8mm Round Metallic Orange Plated Beads Strand – Approximately 46 beads per strand.

Set your creations ablaze with creativity using our Lava Beads 8mm Round Metallic Orange Plated Beads Strand! These beads are like bursts of sunshine in every design, infusing your accessories with a warm and lively glow. The metallic orange finish adds a pop of energetic color, making your pieces stand out with a playful and vibrant charm. Ready to add a touch of radiance to your crafting projects? Secure your strand now and let the lively spirit of metallic orange shine through in your unique creations!

Beads N Crystals